Jumat, 22 Februari 2008

wawancara dengan aku


reynaldo budi rahardja

16 tahun

Prob, 12 juni 1991

pokoknya di probolinggo - Jatim

ada deh

swim, sing, walk

siswa yang baik


cita - cita?
artis yang deket ma Tuhan

Kristen donk!!!

ada fs?
jawab : napa?

klo mo lihat profil u?
jawab : ya dah deh, back_aldz@yahoo.com

apa lagi ya?
ga tau

ya udah, bye?!!!

Heaven Knows - Rick Price

she's always on my mind
from the time i wake up
till i close my eyes
she is every where i go
she's all i know

though she so far away
i just keep getting stronger
every day
and even now she's gone
i'm still holding on

so tell me where do i start
cause it's breaking my heart
don't wanna let her go

maybe my love will come back someday
it's only Heaven knows
and maybe our hearts will find their way
only Heaven knows
and all i can do is hope and pray
cause heaven knows

my friends keep tell in me
that if you really love her
you've gotta set her free
and if she return in kind
i'll know she's mind

why i live in despair
cause wide awake or dreams
and i know she's never there
and all this time i act so brave
i'm shaking inside
why does it hurt me so

Fly with You [ puisi ]

in the darkness
You came and give me a light
shining bright
made a warm heart

in the sadness time
You always blessed me
every step in my life
any time always praise

take me under your wings oh Lord
to feels your perfect love
don't leave me alone
cause i'm very love You, Jesus

Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

aku gak tau mo nulis apa

pengennya sih nulis sesuatu

sesuatu yang lucu

sesuatu yang aneh

sesuatu yang menarik

en sesuatu yang bisa bikin loe seneng


aku gak tau sesuatu itu apa

karena sesuatu itu

emank bakal tumbuh dengan sendirinya

yang membuatmu berpikir bahwa

sesuatu itu



inspirasi dari pikiranmu
Jalan menuju bahagia dan sukses tidak selalu lurus

Ada tikungan bernama kegagalan

Ada bundaran bernama kebingungan

Ada tanjakan bernama kawan dan lawan

Ada lampu merah bernama musuh

Ada lampu kuning bernama keluarga

Kamu akan mengalami ban kempes dan pecah

itulah H I D U P


Jika kau membawa ban serep bernama tekad

Mesin bernama ketekunan

Asuransi bernama iman

Dan pengemudinya bernama Tuhan,

Kau akan sampai di daerah yang disebut setia, sukses, dan bahagia
Terkadang kita merasa
Tak ada jalan terbuka
Tak ada lagi waktu
Terlambat sudah

Tuhan tak pernah berdusta
Dia slalu pegang janjiNya
Bagi orang percaya
Mujizat nyata

Dia mengerti, Dia peduli
Persoalan yang sedang terjadi
Dia mengerti, Dia peduli
Persoalan yang kita alami
Namun satu yang Dia minta
Agar kita percaya
Sampai mujizat menjadi nyata
Tuhan Mengerti
Song by : Delon
Title : Dia Mengerti

Rabu, 23 Januari 2008

My Profile

Name : Reynaldo Budi Rahardja
Address : Letjend Soeprapto 118 Prolinx
Friendster : back_aldz@yahoo.com
Religion : Christian
Status : Single
Born : Probolinggo, 1991 at June 12th
Hobbies : Swimming, Singing, Music

- - - WELCOME TO MY ZONE - - -

If you wants to know any things about me, you can open this blog every time you wants. In this zone, you can read many stories about me. And for you the music lovers, you can see some songs which I give in this zone. Friends, all of you is unique, but I think that different is the primary your identity. No one in this world same another. I like to know more people. To be friends or best friends too. Hehe. One things that Jesus give you is your smile, so... SMILE always ok?!!! God bless you all.